Ligue Populaire Antialcoolique'

France, C. 1910

40 x 26 in (102 x 66 cm)

ID #LBAcross39x55table-K

"Popular Antialcoholic League"

English translation: "Antialcoholic Popular League / 126, Grande Rue de la Guillotière - LYON / 'The voluntary slave' / A. Willette / Worker, stop enriching the one who hinders your emancipation / The health you leave at the cabaret is necessary for you to win the daily bread of your little ones; The Reason that you leave at the cabaret you need to study and understand the social problem; The money you leave at the caberet you miss to buy the newspapers, brochures, books essential to your education; this money is missing from the happiness of your wife and your children; The time you waste at the cabaret will be better spent educating you, developing you intellectually and devoting yourself to the joys of your home. / All people free themselves from the Bistro and Alcohol! And you? / Be a conscious man! Lead by example! Constantly repeat to those around you that the BISTROT is the greatest enemy of the Working Class! To hold to these firm resolutions and make fun of the taunts of profiteers or imbeciles, read the only organ which denounces "public assholes": 'Fraternite' Journal Illustré, 126, Grande Rue de la Guillotière in LYON; the subscription is 3 francs per year. / AMONG ITS EDITORS: Auguste Lumière, J. Appleton, G. Cauvin, P. Courmont, P. Cuminal - A. Forel, Henri Gautier, Jean Letort, E. quillent, E. Rauly, ect: / AMONG ITS DESIGNERS: A . Willette, C. Léandre, Hermann-Paul, Jossot, Steinlen, ect;"

Skeleton representing death poured the man a drink.

Artist: A. Willette

Material: Linen backed on acid-free canvas

Condition: Good. Please note the visible fold lines.

All sizes are approximate.

500-1000 alcohol alcoholism chain death drink glass health remedy size-40x26 skeleton slave wellness