Champagne Epernay Poster

France, 1982

63 x 47 in (160 x 119 cm)

ID #BBF04-19-77-LZ

"EPERNAY / CHAMPAGNE / de Castellane"

Poster promoting De Castellane, a champagne house founded in 1895 in the Èpernay region of Champagne, France. This poster was designed by well-known graphic artist Gérard Courbouleix–Dénériaz, also known as Razzia. Poster features an elegantly-dressed woman holding a glass of champagne against a beautiful golden gradient background. Artist signature present in bottom right.

Artist: Razzia

Condition: Good; please note minor creases.

Material: This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at for more details.

250-500 alcohol champagne de castellane eighties elegance epernay famous france graphic art luxury poster razzia size-63-x-47 vintage poster woman

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