Martini on the Rocks!
France, 198528 x 28 in (71 x 71 cm)
"Martini on the Rocks! / Á peine l'enquête terminée elle s'etait tirée avec mon suspect number one. Et maintenant elle était la, sur tous les mursa s'afficher sous les palmiers et sur le sable en city 4x3. Il ne me restait plus qu'a prendre un verre, des glaçons, un zeste de citron..."
English translation: "Martini on the Rocks! / As soon as the investigation was over, she had run off with my number one suspect. And now she was there, on all the walls, showing herself under the palm trees and on the sand in a city 4x3. All I had to do was have a drink, some ice cubes, a lemon zest..."
Creative advertisement for Martini by Marignan.
Artist: Jean-Claude Floch
Condition: Good; please note light paper creasing.
Material: Paper
All sizes are approximate.