Soufres Marty & Parazols Poster

France, c. 1905

39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)

ID #39x55FOOD-DRINK-Z-70


Vintage French poster for Marty & Parazols sulfur company. Sulfur is used as a fungicide on grapes, and illustrated on the poster accordingly is a farmer dousing his green grape vineyard with a healthy pump of sulfur. 

Artist: Auer F.

Printer: Vergasson, Paris

Year: c. 1905

Condition: Good, please note a few minor scratches on the poster surface

Poster is linen-backed on canvas

500-1000 advertisement antique poster art company design drink farmer farming france french french poster fungicide grapes graphic graphic design original poster original posters pesticide size-39-x-55 sulfur textCategory vines vineyard vintage vintage poster vintage posters wine

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