60 x 36 in (152 x 91 cm)
ID #100821
Un Pereux
also 63x96 image completing the bottle
1930 250-500 60 x 36 in / 152.5 x 91.5 cm beverage c. 1930 drink food FR France french green yellow red horizontal horizontal drink horizontal drink food large Original red size-60x36 vintage poster horizontal man bursting through paper with bottle of Un Pereux in hand green yellow red
Oktoberfest 1958
Germany, 1958
Vivi Kola
Switzerland, 1949
E. Pichot Imprimeur-Éditeur
France, 1872
Campari L'Aperitivo
Italy, 1926
Garden Party
Italy, c. 1980s
La Mejor Para La Mesa
Spain, c. 1930s