1930s Fashion Magazine Page

France, 1930s

23 x 14 in (58 x 36 cm)



This page from an unidentified magazine goes into depth on the various hats and dresses shown on the page. The styles are reminiscent of fashion that celebrities like Marlene Dietrich, Lilly Dache, and Janet MacLoed would model in the 1930s. The glamour of these women were emulated by many others and were made more affordable as they grew in popularity.

Year: ca. 1930s.  size 23 x 14

Condition: Very good; please note the vertical fold line down the middle.

This poster is linen-backed on canvas. Email us at postermuseum@gmail.com for more details.

100-250 blouse fashion female hat horizontal magazine original poster size-23-x-14 vintage vintage fashion vintage poster women

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