203 Literature

Le Petit Journal - "Dramatique Arrestation du Traitre Ullmo Dans Les Gorges D'ollioules" Product Link
France, C. 1900
16 x 12 in (41 x 30 cm)

Le Petit Journal - "Les Evenements D'extreme Orient - L'envoye special du Petit Journal en Mandchourie" Product Link
France, C. 1900
16 x 12 in (41 x 30 cm)

Le Petit Journal - "Un Train Arrete par les neiges" Product Link
France, C. 1900
16 x 12 in (41 x 30 cm)

Le Petit Journal - "La Guerre Civile en Colombie" Product Link
France, C. 1900
16 x 12 in (41 x 30 cm)

VIIe Salon de L'enfance / Jeunesse Famille ✓ Product Link
France, C. 1950
22 x 15 in (56 x 38 cm)

C.S. Reinhart is one of the illustrators in this months Scribners Product Link
New York, 1896
18 x 13 in (46 x 33 cm)

"The United States Will Pay" - July Scribner's Product Link
USA, C. 1890
18 x 14 in (46 x 36 cm)

"Hey Fellows!" Your money brings the book we need when we want it - American Library Association Product Link
USA, 1918
30 x 20 in (76 x 51 cm)

Mahr's -Sadh-Buchhandlung - Laden: Edyellingftrafe 41 - Verfandabt: Karlsplats 24 - Rontorbaus Etadus Product Link
Germany, C. 1925