Kaisers Weihnachts Reise Poster

Germany, c. 1917

28 x 37 in (71 x 94 cm)

ID #FF12B-N-92 PK7

"Neuster film des Kaisers Weihnachts Reise" Neuster Film "The Emperor's Christmas Journey"

Poster shows a winter scene at the battlefield field. In the background, a church with stars overhead; in the foreground, fence posts with barbed wire strung between them and evergreen trees. Text advertises Neuster Film "The Emperor's Christmas Journey."

Artist: Hans Rudi Erdt

Printer: Hollerbaum und Schmidt, Berlin

Condition: Good, some signs of wear, small piece missing on the bottom edge.

Please note that this poster can be linen-backed on canvas for an additional charge. Email postermuseum@gmail.com for more information.

500-1000 christmas film foreign german germany original posters poster print prints size-28x37 vintage

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