I Conquistatori Poster

Italy, c. 1915

16 x 22 in (41 x 56 cm)


"I personaggi in maggiore evidencza nella composizione, sono da sinistra a destra: Carlo V, Ramsete II, Carlo Magno, Napoleone, Pietro il Grande, Nabuccodonosor, Nadir Scia, Tamerlano, Attila, Maometto II, Sennecherib, Ciro, Giulio Cesare, Gengis Kan, Alessandro il Macedone, Annibale, Pizzarro."

This piece by Dalsani features various famous conquistadors/leaders such as Napoleon, Attila the Hun, Julius Cesar, and Genghis Khan as they pose together after seemingly doing what they do best.

Artist: G. Dalsani

Year: c. 1915

Condition: Very good; please note fold line.

This poster is linen-backed on canvas. Email us at postermuseum@gmail.com for more details.

100-250 attila black and white ciro conqueror conquistador dalsani engraving genghis khan horizontal julius cesar macedone maometto II napoleon Nebuchadnezzar original peter the great pizzarro poster ramses size-16-x-22 vintage vintage poster

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