Tadeusz Różewicz at Teatr Ziemi Mazowieckiej

Poland, 1975

33 x 23 in (84 x 58 cm)


"DOWOD OSOBISTY / Rozewicz (Nazwisko) Tadeusz (Imiona) / Rysopis: Wysoki (Wzrost), piwne (Oczy), nie ma (znaki szczególne) / Teatr Ziemi Mazowieckiej (Własnoręczny podpis)"

English translation: "ID CARD / Rozewicz (Surname) Tadeusz (Names) / Description: Tall (Height), hazel (Eyes), no (special features) / Teatr Ziemi Mazowiecckiej (Handwritten signature)"

Tadeusz Różewicz was a Polish poet, playwright, writer, and translator.

Artist: Marcin Mroszozak

Printer: PZG RSW

Condition: Good; please note light creasing along bottom and very small tears along right-hand border.

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

100-250 art expo exhibit exhibition polish poster poster size-33-x-23 vintage poster

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