Rossini, Donizetti, Verdi Travel Poster ✓

Italy, c. 1960

24 x 39 in (62 x 100 cm)


"Tre Moderne Veloci Motonavi Interamente Ad Aria Condizionata Per Il, Centro America, Sud Pacifico, 13.200 tonn., Italia Navigazione"

Three Modern Fast Fully Air Conditioned Motor Ships For, Central America, South Pacific, 13,200 tons, Italy Navigation

This beautifully colored poster advertises a series of passenger ships in Italy, designed for their speed and comfort. This mod poster matches the mod-design of the ships. The ships themselves are named after the famous Italian opera arias. 

Printer: Arti Grafiche Matelli, Milano

Condition: Good

Please note this is linen-backed on canvas. 



*updated 2023

250-500 battleships colored horns instruments italian italy original posters ship size-24-25x39-25 travel vintage posters

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