Souscrivez aux Bons d'Armement Poster

France, 1939

32 x 31 in (81 x 79 cm)

ID #FF16CPK2-Z-18

Title: Subscribe to Weapons Vouchers

"Nous vaincrons parce que nous sommes les plus forts" (We will vanquish because we are the strongest)

This original vintage poster was printed by the French government in World War II to raise funds for the war effort. The poster aims to rally faith in a British and French victory by showing the combined colonial territories of these two Imperialist powers. This poster was printed just at the start of the war, evident from the fact that the French government believed it could convince the public that World War II would be an easy victory.

Artist: J. Vap

Printer: M. Dechaux, Paris

Year: 1939

Condition: Fair, please note creases and tears along the borders. The appearance of tears and creases can be significantly improved by having the poster linen-backed.

This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at to inquire.

250-500 colonies horizontal poster imperialism original poster vintage poster war bonds world map world war 2 world war ii ww2 wwii

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