Chateauneuf les Bains Station Thermale Poster ✓

France, c. 1940

22 x 35 in (56 x 89 cm)


"L'Auvergne Pittoresque, Son site enchanteur, ses eaux minerales, rhumatisme gynecologie, la sioule et ses truites" 

Translation: Picturesque Auvergne, Its enchanting site, its mineral waters, spa, rheumatism, gynecology, The Sioule and its trout

This beautiful original vintage poster advertises a natural spa in the French region of Auvergne. Many of the benefits come straight from the Sioule River, a breathtaking body of water. In the time when this poster is from, people with the smallest ailments, such as coughs, to people with a terminal illness, would flock to these spas, hoping the mountainous air would clear their immune systems. 

Artist: R. Stevens

Printer: Helio Combier Macon

Condition: Good, minor tear at the top and along the borders

Please note this is linen-backed on canvas


250-500 Auvergne baths color France French original posters r.stevens size-22x35 town transportation travel vintage posters

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