Plakat Polityczny Wag

Poland, 1971

39 x 27 in (99 x 69 cm)

ID #ST-49-S

"PLAK POLITY WAG / Wydawnictwo / Artystyczno-Graficzne Muzeum Plakatu / Plakat Polityczny Wag / wystawa / Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie kwiecień - maj 1971 czynna codziennie od 10 do 16 z wyjatkiem poniedziałków"

English translation: "POLITICAL POSTER PLATFORM / Publishing House / Artistic and Graphic Poster Museum / Political Poster Wag / exhibition / Poster Museum in Wilanów April - May 1971 open daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. except for Mondays"

Design: L. Hołdanowcz

Condition: Good; please note paper creasing.

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

100-250 art gallery expo polish poster political poster poster exhibition size-39-x-27 vintage poster