Le Petit Echo de la Mode Print

France, 1931

11 x 14 in (28 x 36 cm)


"Le Petit Echo de la Mode no. 14 / 5 Avril 1931"

This page from Le Petit Echo de la Mode showcases multiple versions of new fashion trends from Paris, including a specific type of blouse, a tablier (apron), and a peignoir (dressing gown).

Le Petit Echo de la Mode was published from 1879 to 1963. It covered fashion styles of the time period, as well as cooking, etiquette, cleaning, and culture. It was marketed as an affordable social Catholic family magazine but was mostly aimed at women.

Printed by Imp. de Mountsouris - Paris

Year: 1931

Condition: Good; please note slight discoloration along bottom border.

This poster is linen-backed on canvas. Email us at postermuseum@gmail.com for more details.

antique magazine fashion french fashion le petit de la mode magazine newspaper original outfit poster size-11-x-14 small vintage vintage fashion vintage poster womens fashion

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