St. Raphaël Quinquina
France, 189151 x 79 in (130 x 201 cm)
"St. Raphaël Quinquina / Consommation Hygiènique / un verre avant chaque repas c'est un brevet de longue vie"
English translation: "St. Raphaël Quinquina / Hygienic Consumption / a glass before each meal is a patent of long life"
This anti-absinthe poster reveals two lifestyles--on one side of the page, you see people having a dull, colorless life due to drinking absinthe, while on the other, people are enjoying themselves and drinking St. Raphaël Quinquina.
Artist(s): José Belon, A. Michele
Printer: Richard Lenoir - Paris
Condition: Fair; please note visible fold lines and restoration marks.
Material: Linen backed on acid-free canvas
Please note that all sizes are approximate.