810 Food & Drink

Plenty of Room for Everything in this Big Crosley Shelvador Product Link
USA, 1949
16 x 23 in (41 x 58 cm)

Camembert President "Il N'y a Rien Au-Dessus de President" Product Link
47 x 69 in (119 x 175 cm)

Loterie Nationale - "Tranche de la Chandeleur" Product Link
France, C. 1975
16 x 12 in (41 x 30 cm)

For Health... eat some food from each group... every day! Product Link
28 x 23 in (71 x 58 cm)

Bleomel "A base de Miel crêmes sucrees de Froment Seigle Mais" L'aliment des Petits Product Link
France, C. 1925
14 x 0 in (36 x 0 cm)

Tea Utensils from the Gotoh Museum Collection Product Link
Japan, C. 1975
29 x 20 in (74 x 51 cm)

Let's always be thankful in America, But Defense Bonds-Stamps ✓ Product Link
USA, C. 1942