Bébés Nestlé Poster

France, 1934

11 x 15 in (28 x 38 cm)


"Sous tous les ciels du monde s'épanousissent des / Bébés Nestlé / Lait Concentré Sucré Farine Lactée"

This vintage advertisement features a mother feeding her baby Nestlé baby formula as part of an ad campaign for Nestlé that highlights how mothers from all over the world use and appreciate their products.

Artist: Georges Bourdin

Year: 1934

Condition: Good; please note small paper creasing near artist signature.

This poster is linen-backed on canvas. Email us at postermuseum@gmail.com for more details.

advertisement baby bebes nestle french french advertisement georges bourdin infant maternity motherhood nestle nestle baby original poster size-11-x-15 vintage vintage poster

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