8e Course de Ballons

France, C. 1900

36 x 49 in (91 x 124 cm)

ID #LB39x55-Z-81

Republique Francaise. Exposition Universelle de 1900. Concours Internationaux d'Exercises physiques et de Sports. Aerostation et Colombophilie. Enceinte de l'Exposition a Vincennes. Dimanches 26 Auout. 8e Course de Ballons. Concours de Duree Pour Ballons Libres Montes Handicapes. A 5 Heures du Soir Dix Departs. Concours de Pigeons-Voyageurs. 

Translation: French Republic. World Exhibition of the 1900s. International Competition of Physical Exercise and Sports. Aerostation and Pigeon Sport. Enclosure of the Exhibition in Vincennes. Sunday, August 26. The 8th Ballon Race. Competition of Duration, for Free Unmounted Ballons. A 5 PM, 10 Departures. Competition of Carrier-Pigeons.

Year: c. 1900

Condition: Good, please note minor tears at the bottom of the poster

Linen-backed on canvas

advertisement announcement art balloon carrier pigeon competiton exhibition france french original posters pigeon race size-36x49 vintage vintage posters

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