Weihnachts Ausstellung und Verkauf Poster

Austria, 1916

20 x 15 in (51 x 38 cm)

ID #FF12C-PK12-S

"K.K. FLÜCHTLINGSLAGER WAGNA K.K. FLÜCHTLINGSLAGER WAGNA. / Unter dem Höchsten Protektorate Ihrer k.u.k. Hoheit d. Durchlauchtigsten Frau Erzherzogin Maria Josefa u. d. Ehrenpräsidium Sr. Excellenz d. Herrn Statthalters in Steiermark Manfred Grafen Clary u. Aldringen / Weihnachts Ausstellung und Verkauf in / Wien I. Plankengasse 4 / nächst dem Neuen Markt. Kunstgegenstände, Stickereien, Korb=u. Feinflechtwaren, Perlbeutel, Spitzen. / Eröffnung am 22. Nov. 1916 / Reingewinn zu Gunsten der Kinder von Wiener Reservisten"

Image: This poster features a large, neo-classical gateway, with Viennese buildings positioned in the background to advertise a Christmas Exhibition and Sale.

English translation: "Imperial Royal Wagna Refugee Camp. Under the most distinguished patronage of Her Imperial and Royal Most Serene Highness Archduchess Maria Josefa and the honorary presidency of His Excellency the Governor in Styria, Manfred, Count Clary and Aldringen. Christmas exhibition and sale in Vienna [address], next to the New Market. Objets d'art, pieces of embroidery, basketwork and fine wickerwork goods, bead purses, lace. Opening on 22 November 1916. Net proceeds for the benefit of the children of Viennese Reservists."

Designer: August Matthey

Printer: Gran Budapest

Condition: Fair

Material: Paper

100-250 ad advertisement austria austrian europe event exhibition german poster sale size-20-x-15 vintage poster

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