La Vallée Encaissée & Le Torrent et La Cascade (Double-sided)

circa 1950

22 x 30 in (56 x 76 cm)

ID #FF31E-1K-S

Title: 28 La Vallée Encaissée & 27 Le Torrent et La Cascade

Description: Double-sided (one side is horizontal, the other stands vertical) educational school poster. Side 28 showcases an incised valley and side 27 features a torrent waterfall.

Publisher: Collection Rossignol, Montmorillon

Country: France

Condition: Great, minor signs of being handled.

This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at for more details.

100-250 double sided educational french horizontal rossignol school poster size-22-x-30 valley waterfall

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