129 Italian Posters

NOTE: For close-up of condition, double-click the image
Link to  "Frarica in vendita in tutta Italia"C. 1959  Product
"Frarica in vendita in tutta Italia" Product Link
C. 1959
55 x 39 in (140 x 99 cm)
Link to  ...Men Ba...Italy, 1975  Product
...Men Ba... Product Link
Italy, 1975
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  Roma, Fountain of TreviItaly c. 1950  Product
Roma, Fountain of Trevi Product Link
Italy c. 1950
20 x 28 in (50 x 70 cm)
Link to  Prato ItaliaItaly c. 1950  Product
Prato Italia Product Link
Italy c. 1950
20 x 28 in (50 x 70 cm)
Link to  MilanoItaly c. 1957  Product
Milano Product Link
Italy c. 1957
20 x 28 in (50 x 70 cm)
Link to  Turin ItalyItaly c. 1950  Product
Turin Italy Product Link
Italy c. 1950
20 x 28 in (50 x 70 cm)
Link to  Turin ItalyItaly c. 1950  Product
Turin Italy Product Link
Italy c. 1950
20 x 28 in (50 x 70 cm)
Link to  Torino Armeria RealeItaly c. 1950  Product
Torino Armeria Reale Product Link
Italy c. 1950
20 x 28 in (50 x 70 cm)
Link to  Florence ItalyItaly c. 1950  Product
Florence Italy Product Link
Italy c. 1950
20 x 28 in (50 x 70 cm)
Link to  Florence ItalieItaly c. 1950  Product
Florence Italie Product Link
Italy c. 1950
20 x 28 in (50 x 70 cm)
Link to  Cortona ItaliaItaly c. 1950  Product
Cortona Italia Product Link
Italy c. 1950
20 x 28 in (50 x 70 cm)
Link to  Gelati MottaItaly  Product
Gelati Motta Product Link
13 x 28 in (33 x 70 cm)
Link to  Partito SocialistaItaly c. 1970  Product
Partito Socialista Product Link
Italy c. 1970
27 x 39 in (69 x 99 cm)
Link to  Arruolamenti 1957Italy - c. 1956  Product
Arruolamenti 1957 Product Link
Italy - c. 1956
33 x 47 in (84 x 119 cm)
Link to  FortItaly - c. 1935  Product
Fort Product Link
Italy - c. 1935
27 x 39 in (69 x 99 cm)
Link to  Shampoo PalmoliveItaly - c. 1957  Product
Shampoo Palmolive Product Link
Italy - c. 1957
32 x 46 in (81 x 117 cm)
Link to  Shampoo PalmoliveItaly - c. 1962  Product
Shampoo Palmolive Product Link
Italy - c. 1962
55 x 40 in (140 x 100 cm)
Link to  Five Headed DragonItaly  Product
Five Headed Dragon Product Link
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  Latte Puro PosterItaly, 1907  Product
Latte Puro Poster Product Link
Italy, 1907
38 x 52 in (97 x 132 cm)
Link to  Botanical AnalysisItaly - c. 1930  Product
Botanical Analysis Product Link
Italy - c. 1930
39 x 28 in (98 x 70 cm)
Link to  Les ReyMarchetti  Product
Les Rey Product Link
40 x 30 in (102 x 76 cm)
Link to  Men's and Women's Fashion CoatsItaly - c. 1960  Product
Men's and Women's Fashion Coats Product Link
Italy - c. 1960
39 x 28 in (99 x 71 cm)
Link to  Horse Racing ✓John Skeaping  Product
Horse Racing ✓ Product Link
John Skeaping
39 x 28 in (99 x 71 cm)
Link to  Rettili E AnfibiItaly - c. 1960  Product
Rettili E Anfibi Product Link
Italy - c. 1960
39 x 27 in (100 x 69 cm)
Link to  Anima LeggiadraItaly - c. 1900  Product
Anima Leggiadra Product Link
Italy - c. 1900
39 x 58 in (99 x 147 cm)
Link to  Lux Soap PosterItaly, 1955  Product
Lux Soap Poster Product Link
Italy, 1955
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  Gocce ArnaldiItaly - c. 1930  Product
Gocce Arnaldi Product Link
Italy - c. 1930
38 x 54 in (97 x 137 cm)
Link to  Aeronautica MilitareItaly, 1960  Product
Aeronautica Militare Product Link
Italy, 1960
35 x 55 in (89 x 140 cm)
Link to  Olimpia di 1964Italy - 1964  Product
Olimpia di 1964 Product Link
Italy - 1964
33 x 22 in (84 x 56 cm)
Link to  Uccelli Birds b.Italy - c. 1930  Product
Uccelli Birds b. Product Link
Italy - c. 1930
39 x 28 in (98 x 70 cm)
Link to  Island LifeItaly - c. 1930  Product
Island Life Product Link
Italy - c. 1930
24 x 33 in (60 x 84 cm)
Link to  Vita Nel BoscoItaly - c. 1930  Product
Vita Nel Bosco Product Link
Italy - c. 1930
40 x 30 in (100 x 75 cm)
Link to  Uccelli BirdsItaly - c. 1930  Product
Uccelli Birds Product Link
Italy - c. 1930
38 x 28 in (95 x 70 cm)
Link to  Azione Degli Animali E Dell'Uomo Nell'Equilibrio Della NaturaItaly - c. 1966  Product
Azione Degli Animali E Dell'Uomo Nell'Equilibrio Della Natura Product Link
Italy - c. 1966
39 x 30 in (98 x 76 cm)
Link to  RadiataItaly  Product
Radiata Product Link
39 x 27 in (99 x 69 cm)
Link to  Woman in GreenItaly - c. 1900  Product
Woman in Green Product Link
Italy - c. 1900
27 x 39 in (69 x 99 cm)
Link to  Il Mondo e Mervaviglioso PosterMartinati  Product
Il Mondo e Mervaviglioso Poster Product Link
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  Arruolatevi In MarinaItaly  - 1959  Product
Arruolatevi In Marina Product Link
Italy - 1959
32 x 40 in (81 x 102 cm)
Link to  SpoletoItaly - c. 1974  Product
Spoleto Product Link
Italy - c. 1974
30 x 41 in (76 x 104 cm)
Link to  Wagon MasterItaly - 1962  Product
Wagon Master Product Link
Italy - 1962
39 x 59 in (99 x 150 cm)
Link to  Facis JuniorPinter Ferenc  Product
Facis Junior Product Link
Pinter Ferenc
28 x 39 in (70 x 98 cm)
Link to  Mose' PosterITALIAN FILM, 1974  Product
Mose' Poster Product Link
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  Identificazione Di Una DonnaITALIAN FILM, 1982  Product
Identificazione Di Una Donna Product Link
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  This Is Elvis PosterITALIAN FILM, 1981  Product
This Is Elvis Poster Product Link
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  Ora X Gibilterra O Morte! PosterITALIAN FILM, 1958  Product
Ora X Gibilterra O Morte! Poster Product Link
39 x 54 in (99 x 137 cm)
Link to  Il Mondo Di Notte PosterManfredo  Product
Il Mondo Di Notte Poster Product Link
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  Il Coltello Nell'Acqua PosterITALIAN FILM, 1968  Product
Il Coltello Nell'Acqua Poster Product Link
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  Amanti Perduti PosterSergio Sorgini  Product
Amanti Perduti Poster Product Link
Sergio Sorgini
38 x 54 in (97 x 137 cm)
Link to  Gianni e Pinotto Detectives PosterITALIAN FILM, 1942  Product
Gianni e Pinotto Detectives Poster Product Link
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)
Link to  RomaM. Fucci  Product
Roma Product Link
M. Fucci
39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)