Tierra Y Libertad Poster

Denmark, 1987

34 x 24 in (86 x 61 cm)

ID #FF20C-PK18-12x-S

"Tierra y Libertad / Jord og frihed- Mexicansk fotografi 1900-1935 / Louisiana 26. september - 29. november 87 / Udstilingen er arrangeret al Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, i samarbejde med det fotografiske bibliotek i Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Mexico City, og det mexicanske udenrigsministerium."

English translation: "Land and Freedom! / Land and Freedom- Mexican Photography 1900-1935 / Louisiana September 26 - November 29 87 / The exhibition is organized by the Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, in collaboration with the photographic library of the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Mexico City, and the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

A photography exhibition focused on Mexican 'Land and Freedom'.

Printer: B1-Kreativ/Behrndt Reklame

Condition: Excellent

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

250-500 art exhibition art museum liberation mexican mexico Pancho Villa photography exhibition political poster poster size-34-x-24 vintage poster

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