Amortisseur J-M Poster

France, c. 1913

26 x 19 in (66 x 48 cm)

ID #FF14E-PK10-S

"AMORTISSEUR J-M / JUMELLES ÉLASTIQUES / peuvent se monter en quelques minutes sur tous les Chassis sans aucune modification aux mains de ressort existantes, en remplacement des Jumelles ordinaires / EN VENTE dans les Prinxipaux Garages, Carrossiers, Agents d'Automobiles"

English translation: "J-M SHOCK ABSORBER / ELASTIC BINOCULARS / can be mounted in a few minutes on all Chassis without any modification to the existing spring arms, replacing ordinary Binoculars / FOR SALE in the Main Garages, Bodybuilders, Automobile Agents"

Printer: Kossuth & Cie., Paris

Condition: Poor; please note tears along edges, paper creasing, and discoloration

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

50-100 automobiles cars classic cars french poster poster shock absorber size-26-x-19 vintage poster

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