Pancho Villa Portrait Poster

Cuba, 1973

38 x 27 in (97 x 69 cm)

ID #FF20C-PK17-S

"Zapata comprende que la toma de posesión de la tierra por los trabajadores para trabajar sin amos. es la base firme sobre la cual tiene que descansar la libertad de los proletarios... / ABAJO EL DERECHO DE PROPIEDAD PRIVADA! / y mientras este, derecho inicuo continúe en pie. en pie continuemos s y con las armas en la mano todos los proletarios... / VIVA TIERRA Y LIBERTAD!"

English translation: "Zapata understands that the workers take possession of the land to work without masters. It is the firm foundation on which the freedom of the proletarians must rest... / DOWN WITH THE RIGHT OF PRIVATE PROPERTY! / and as long as this, wicked right continues to stand. let us continue standing and with weapons in hand all the proletarians... / LONG LIVE LAND AND FREEDOM!"

Francisco "Pancho" Villa was a Mexican revolutionary and general in the Mexican Revolution. This poster features a serious portrait of Villa with one of his famous quotes underneath.


Condition: Fair; please note heavy creasing.

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

100-250 liberty mexico political poster poster revolutionary size-38-x-27 vintage poster

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