We'll Make 'Em Wish They Never Started It! General Cable Poster

USA, 1942

9 x 13 in (23 x 33 cm)

ID #FF19D-PK20-S

[Front]: "We'll Make 'em Wish they Never Started it!"

[Back]: "Published - Apri l1942 / 2500 distributed throughout all General Cable plants and offices, and also sent to Government Departments, organizations and industrial plants. / Purpose: To keep employees alert to War's tremendous demands upon a wide industrial front."

This poster series was privately printed by General Cable as part of their "Fight Talk" series, in which the company promoted the importance of issues such as conservation, safety, security, and thorough job performance (via Heritage Auctions). These posters have front and back sides--please see secondary image for the back.

Printer: General Cable Corporation

Condition: Good; please note slight tearing along bottom right-hand corner and top left-hand corner.

Material: Paper

50-100 american horizontal labor poster propaganda size-9-x-13 united states usa vintage poster war world war 2 world war ii WWII

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