Sport Hotel Hrebienok-Tatry Travel Poster ✓

Yugoslavia c. 1935

25 x 37 in (64 x 94 cm)


"Sport Hotel Hrebienok-Tatry, Hory českoslov. more jugoslávské. Lázne Kupari Jugoslavie"

Sport Hotel Hrebienok-Tatry, Mountains Czechoslovak. Yugoslav sea. Kupari Spa Yugoslavia

The Sport Hotel opened in 1928 in Hrebienok, a Slovakian Ski Resort in the Tatry Mountains, 1285 meters up. It is now called the Hrebienok Hotel. This beautiful poster shows a leisurely woman in gorgeous clothing. The backdrop is the massive hotel and the intimidating mountaintops. 

Artist: M.Schulz 

Printer: A.S. Praha 

Condition: Good

Please note this is linen-backed on canvas. 


*Updated 2022

250-500 c. 1935 Europe european forest medium mountains size-25x37 Sport Hotel tourism travel woman yugoslavia

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