26 Polish Posters

Patronujemy Budownictwu Mieszkaniowemu (Patrons of Housing Construction) Product Link
19 x 26 in (48 x 66 cm)

CYRK Two Little Clowns And High Wire Act ✓ Product Link
Andrzej Klimowski, collaboration with Danuta Schejbal and Dominik Klimowski
34 x 23 in (87 x 58 cm)

Milosc Jednej Nocy O Dragoste Lunga De O Seara One Night Stand Product Link
Hanna Bodner
23 x 33 in (58 x 84 cm)

Narzeczona Dzigita Diewuszka Dzigit Dzhigit Fiance Product Link
Piotr Borowy