511 Political

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Link to  ORTFFrance, 1968  Product
ORTF Product Link
France, 1968
23 x 28 in (58 x 71 cm)
Link to  La Police A L'ORTFFrance, 1968  Product
La Police A L'ORTF Product Link
France, 1968
34 x 22 in (86 x 56 cm)
Link to  Elections TrahisonFrance, 1968  Product
Elections Trahison Product Link
France, 1968
24 x 18 in (61 x 46 cm)
Link to  Si je pense que rien ne doit changerFrance, 1968  Product
Si je pense que rien ne doit changer Product Link
France, 1968
26 x 21 in (66 x 53 cm)
Link to  Le Combat ContinueFrance, 1968  Product
Le Combat Continue Product Link
France, 1968
20 x 17 in (51 x 43 cm)
Link to  Pouvoir PopulaireFrance, 1968  Product
Pouvoir Populaire Product Link
France, 1968
19 x 30 in (48 x 76 cm)
Link to  Le Pouvoir Est TranquilleFrance, 1968  Product
Le Pouvoir Est Tranquille Product Link
France, 1968
30 x 19 in (76 x 48 cm)
Link to  ORTF En LutteFrance, 1968  Product
ORTF En Lutte Product Link
France, 1968
19 x 26 in (48 x 66 cm)
Link to  Usine Halte Aux LicenciementsFrance, 1968  Product
Usine Halte Aux Licenciements Product Link
France, 1968
26 x 19 in (66 x 48 cm)
Link to  SeptembreFrance, 1968  Product
Septembre Product Link
France, 1968
29 x 30 in (74 x 76 cm)
Link to  1969: RienFrance, 1968  Product
1969: Rien Product Link
France, 1968
30 x 22 in (76 x 56 cm)
Link to  La Lutte Continue Rejoignez Les C.A.L.France, 1968  Product
La Lutte Continue Rejoignez Les C.A.L. Product Link
France, 1968
31 x 23 in (79 x 58 cm)
Link to  Anti-Soviet Propaganda PosterCzechoslovakia, c. 1960s  Product
Anti-Soviet Propaganda Poster Product Link
Czechoslovakia, c. 1960s
41 x 14 in (104 x 36 cm)
Link to  La Police A l'ORTFFrance, 1968  Product
La Police A l'ORTF Product Link
France, 1968
29 x 24 in (74 x 61 cm)
Link to  A Bas Les Cadences InfernalesFrance, 1968  Product
A Bas Les Cadences Infernales Product Link
France, 1968
29 x 24 in (74 x 61 cm)
Link to  Dénonçons La Psychiatrie Policiere!!France, 1968  Product
Dénonçons La Psychiatrie Policiere!! Product Link
France, 1968
30 x 25 in (76 x 64 cm)
Link to  Liaison Effective FlinsFrance, 1968  Product
Liaison Effective Flins Product Link
France, 1968
32 x 24 in (81 x 61 cm)
Link to  Portes Ouvertes en MedecineFrance, 1968  Product
Portes Ouvertes en Medecine Product Link
France, 1968
33 x 24 in (84 x 61 cm)
Link to  Renault Flins Pilier de Greve TientFrance, 1968  Product
Renault Flins Pilier de Greve Tient Product Link
France, 1968
32 x 22 in (81 x 56 cm)
Link to  Renault Flins La Lutte ContinueFrance, 1968  Product
Renault Flins La Lutte Continue Product Link
France, 1968
24 x 32 in (61 x 81 cm)
Link to  Le Cancer GaullisteFrance, 1968  Product
Le Cancer Gaulliste Product Link
France, 1968
24 x 32 in (61 x 81 cm)
Link to  Les Mercenaires du PouvoirFrance, 1968  Product
Les Mercenaires du Pouvoir Product Link
France, 1968
32 x 24 in (81 x 61 cm)
Link to  CSSR Budme Pevni!Czechoslovakia, 1968  Product
CSSR Budme Pevni! Product Link
Czechoslovakia, 1968
35 x 23 in (89 x 58 cm)
Link to  Printemps de Prague CCCPCzechoslovakia, 1968  Product
Printemps de Prague CCCP Product Link
Czechoslovakia, 1968
24 x 33 in (61 x 84 cm)
Link to  Front Uni Contre La RepressionFrance, 1968  Product
Front Uni Contre La Repression Product Link
France, 1968
30 x 22 in (76 x 56 cm)
Link to  50 Let CeskoslovenskaCzechoslovakia, 1968  Product
50 Let Ceskoslovenska Product Link
Czechoslovakia, 1968
32 x 23 in (81 x 58 cm)
Link to  Les Travailleurs de Santé Pour l'Hopital NouveauFrance, 1968  Product
Les Travailleurs de Santé Pour l'Hopital Nouveau Product Link
France, 1968
24 x 32 in (61 x 81 cm)
Link to  Universite Populaire d'Été MeetingFrance, 1968  Product
Universite Populaire d'Été Meeting Product Link
France, 1968
32 x 24 in (81 x 61 cm)
Link to  La Participation?France, 1968  Product
La Participation? Product Link
France, 1968
38 x 27 in (97 x 69 cm)
Link to  Regroupons NousFrance, 1968  Product
Regroupons Nous Product Link
France, 1968
27 x 33 in (69 x 84 cm)
Link to  La Parole Aux TravailleursFrance, 1968  Product
La Parole Aux Travailleurs Product Link
France, 1968
34 x 26 in (86 x 66 cm)
Link to  Napalm ImperialismeFrance, 1968  Product
Napalm Imperialisme Product Link
France, 1968
26 x 33 in (66 x 84 cm)
Link to  Ma Victoire...France, 1968  Product
Ma Victoire... Product Link
France, 1968
35 x 26 in (89 x 66 cm)
Link to  Debut d'Une Lutte ProlongeeFrance, 1968  Product
Debut d'Une Lutte Prolongee Product Link
France, 1968
30 x 27 in (76 x 69 cm)
Link to  Reconnaissance du F.N.L.France, c. 1960s  Product
Reconnaissance du F.N.L. Product Link
France, c. 1960s
37 x 25 in (94 x 64 cm)
Link to  La Participation Est-Elle Un Acquis Du Mois De MaiFrance, 1968  Product
La Participation Est-Elle Un Acquis Du Mois De Mai Product Link
France, 1968
38 x 26 in (97 x 66 cm)
Link to  Pour Ceux Qui Aiment 'Ça'France, 1968  Product
Pour Ceux Qui Aiment 'Ça' Product Link
France, 1968
40 x 26 in (102 x 66 cm)
Link to  La Trahison des Pontes SyndicauxFrance, 1968  Product
La Trahison des Pontes Syndicaux Product Link
France, 1968
33 x 28 in (84 x 71 cm)
Link to  Greve Totale Illimitee...France, 1968  Product
Greve Totale Illimitee... Product Link
France, 1968
34 x 28 in (86 x 71 cm)
Link to  Le Pouvoir Aux TravailleursFrance, 1968  Product
Le Pouvoir Aux Travailleurs Product Link
France, 1968
33 x 28 in (84 x 71 cm)
Link to  Les Cadences AccelerentFrance, 1968  Product
Les Cadences Accelerent Product Link
France, 1968
34 x 32 in (86 x 81 cm)
Link to  Notre Terrain La Lutte!France, 1968  Product
Notre Terrain La Lutte! Product Link
France, 1968
30 x 38 in (76 x 97 cm)
Link to  La Rentree? Parlons-En!France, 1968  Product
La Rentree? Parlons-En! Product Link
France, 1968
34 x 28 in (86 x 71 cm)
Link to  Le Vote Ne ChangeFrance, 1968  Product
Le Vote Ne Change Product Link
France, 1968
38 x 30 in (97 x 76 cm)
Link to  Le Parti SocialisteFrance, C. 1958  Product
Le Parti Socialiste Product Link
France, C. 1958
45 x 31 in (114 x 79 cm)
Link to  The Naadam FairChina, 1973  Product
The Naadam Fair Product Link
China, 1973
21 x 30 in (53 x 76 cm)
Link to  Resolutely Support the Anti-Imperalist StrugglesChina, 1964  Product
Resolutely Support the Anti-Imperalist Struggles Product Link
China, 1964
21 x 30 in (53 x 76 cm)
Link to  Little ElectricianChina, c. 1970s  Product
Little Electrician Product Link
China, c. 1970s
21 x 30 in (53 x 76 cm)
Link to  Composing a New SongChina, 1975  Product
Composing a New Song Product Link
China, 1975
21 x 30 in (53 x 76 cm)
Link to  Reading About Chairman MaoChina, 1964  Product
Reading About Chairman Mao Product Link
China, 1964
21 x 30 in (53 x 76 cm)