Až Se Ruský Kůň Z Vltavy Napije

Czechoslovakia, 1968

17 x 12 in (43 x 30 cm)


"'BUDE V ČECHÁCH DOBŘE, AŽ SE RUSKÝ KŮŇ Z VLTAVY NAPIJE' / Jak strašně se tentokrát lidové přísloví zmýlilo!"

English translation: "'IT WILL BE GOOD IN BOHEMIA WHEN THE RUSSIAN HORSE DRINKS FROM THE VLTAVÁ' / How terribly wrong the folk proverb was this time!"

Original anti-Soviet Czech poster produced during Prague Spring calling out the damage the USSR's military did to Vltava River.

Condition: Excellent

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

250-500 communism czech poster horizontal poster political politics poster prague spring protest revolution size-17-x-12 ussr vintage poster

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