La Lutte Des Masses Paie Che

France, 1968

30 x 23 in (76 x 58 cm)


"FACE aux offensives impérialistes SEULE La Lutte Des Masses Paie / Vive La Lutte héroique du peuple Vietnamien révolutionnaire du peuple Palestinien de tous les peuples contre l'impérialisme"

English translation: "IN THE FACE OF THE IMPERIALIST OFFENSIVES ONLY THE STRUGGLE OF THE MASSES PAYS / Long Live The Heroic Struggle Of The Revolutionary Vietnamese People Of The Palestinian People Of All Peoples Against Imperialism"

French political protest poster showing similarities to other global movements against imperialism, such as the revolutions in Vietnam and Palestine. Mai 68 was a significant period of social unrest for students and the working class under Charles de Gaulle's administration. These protestors designed and utilized bold and simple posters to galvanize support, as exemplified here.

Publisher: Comite D'Initiative Pour Un Mouvement Revolutionnaire

Condition: Good; please note small tears along edges of paper.

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

250-500 fascism french poster gaullism guevara mai 68 may 68 palestine political politics poster protest size-30-x-23 socialism vietnam vintage poster

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