Mobil Masterpiece Theatre 'My Cousin Rachel'

USA, 1985

46 x 30 in (117 x 76 cm)


"MYSTERY! presents Daphne du Maurier's My Cousin Rachel / Starring Geraldine Chaplin / To most men she was an angel--of death / A four-part series begins Saturday, December 14 9 PM Channel 13 PBS / Host: Vincent Price"

Poster for the limited series adaptation of 'My Cousin Rachel' by Daphne du Maurier.

Design: Paul Davis Studio

Publisher: Mobil Corporation

Condition: Excellent; please note small tear along bottom right-hand corner.

Material: Paper

Please note that all sizes are approximate.

100-250 250-500 english poster entertainment novel poster size-46-x-30 television theater theatre tv show vintage poster

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