Sonora Téléviseur-Réflexe Poster

France, c. 1955

61 x 45 in (154 x 114 cm)

ID #BBF04-24-77-LZ

"c'est clair et net / sonora / le téléviseur-reflexe"

French poster advertising Sonora Television, a TV company. Poster features a humorous illustration of a baby with a large pipe hanging from its mouth, smiling at/within a television screen. Artist signature in bottom right of poster.

Artist: Jean Feldman

Printer: IGEP, Paris

Condition: Please note creasing and tears at edges of poster.

Material: This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. Email us at for more details.

250-500 50s advertisement baby block art french graphic art jean feldman pipe poster size-60-5-x-45 sonora technology television video