Angola-Koffie Poster ✓

Netherlands, c. 1973

17 x 22 in (43 x 56 cm)

ID #FF9CPK23-L-21

"albert heijn angola-koffie, angola-koffie geld voor massamoord, koop niets bij albert heijn, angola comité" Translation: albert heijn angola coffee, angola coffee money for mass murder, don't buy anything from albert heijn, angola committee

This bold poster advocates a 1973 fair trade boycott of the Albert Heijn coffee brand. A violent scene is shown, depicting what goes into a seemingly simple cup of coffee. Produced by the Angola Comité

Condition: Good, bottom is tattered

This poster is on paper, but please note that we offer linen-backing for an additional cost. However, some posters do not require this service if they are in good condition. Email us at for more details.

100-250 activism activist Africa coffee fair trade original political protest size-17x22

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