Ball del Cinema Poster

Spain, 1935

22 x 14 in (56 x 36 cm)


"Gran Price / Eureka celebra l'esplendorós / Ball de Cinema / Inauguracio de les Fastuoses Combinacions de Llum en colors, que convertiran al Gran Salo Price en el Palau de la Llum i de la Dansa / 3 Formidables Orquestres / Price Band, Excelsior, Matas Band"

English translation: "Grand Price / Eureka celebrates the splendor / Cinema Ball / Inauguration of the Lavish Combinations of Light in colors, which will turn the Great Price Hall into the Palace of Light and Dance / 3 Formidable Orchestras / Price Band, Excelsior, Matas Band"

Printer: Ideal - Granados

Condition: Poor; please note water stain along bottom, pieces missing, and small tears.

Material: Paper

ball catalan cinema film poster music poster paramount films poster size-22-x-14 spain theater poster theatre vintage poster

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