Tampereen Jäähallissa Poster

Finland, 1969

16 x 11 in (41 x 28 cm)

ID #FF10E-PK30-S

"Tampereen Jäähallissa Sunnuntaina / Ray Patterson USA / Macan Keita, Guinea / Raimo Nisula / Lion Ven, Belgia / Taisto M. Mäki / Detlef Naseband, Saksa / Pursi Purhonen / Fredo, Belgia / Ennakkomyynti: Tampereella Keskustorin kioski / Helsingissä Lippupalvelu puh. 043"

English translation: "Tampere Ice Hall on Sunday / Advance sale: Keskustori kiosk in Tampere / In Helsinki, Ticket Service tel. 043"

Condition: Poor; please note tack holes, color fading, visible fold lines, creasing, and other signs of handlign.

Material: Paper

All sizes are approximate.

100-250 boxing finnish poster helskinki poster size-16-x-11 sports tampere vintage poster

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