La Grotte Mystérieuse
France, c. 190060 x 43 in (152 x 109 cm)
"Exposition de 1900 au Trocadéro prés du Stéreorama / Section Algérienne (Allée Centrale) / La Grotte Mystérieuse / La Danse du Sabre / Trésors de Bou-Amana"
English translation: "1900 Exhibition at the Trocadéro near the Stereorama / Algerian Section (Central Alley) / The Mysterious Cave / The Sabre Dance / Treasures of Bou-Amana"
Artist: H. Gray
Printer: Courmont Freres - Paris
Condition: Good; please note that the linen backing process may lighten, but does not always entirely eliminate imperfections on the paper.
Material: Linen backed on canvas
All sizes are approximate.