Achetez Une Carte Demi-Tarif SNCF Poster ✓

Savignac 1974

25 x 40 in (62 x 100 cm)


"Achetez Une Carte Demi-Tarif SNCF Et Voyagez a Moitie Prix"

Buy a SNCF Half-Fare Card And Travel at Half the Price

This half-woman advertises a 50% cheaper ticket price for the French railways. The cartoonish style is distinctive of Savignac's posters and has a similar version with a half-man. 

Artist: Savignac

Printer: R.C. Paris

Condition: Good, on thin canvas 

Please note this is linen-backed on canvas. 


500-1000 culture destination europe explore France french french travel luggage Savignac size-24-5x39-5 sncf suitcase tourism train travel visit

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