Chemins de Fer French Travel Poster ✓

France, c. 1910

28 x 42 in (71 x 107 cm)


"Chemins de Fer de L'Ouest Francais et du London, Brighton, & South Coast Anglais. Voyages a prix réduits, La compagnie des chemins de fer de l'ouest." 

Translation: French West and London, Brighton, & South Coast English Railways. Discounted Travel, The Western Railway Company

This beautiful poster has both form and function -- a map of railroad lines is surrounded by beautiful scenes of England and France, sparking wanderlust in any viewer. 

Printer: F& M Moreau 

Condition: Good, some fold lines

Please note this is linen-backed on canvas. 


500-1000 culture destination europe explore France french french travel ile de eight le harve rouen size-28x42 tourism travel visit visitation voyages