4 Travel

NOTE: For close-up of condition, double-click the image
Link to  Welcome to Portugal PosterPortugal, c. 1950s  Product
Welcome to Portugal Poster Product Link
Portugal, c. 1950s
26 x 19 in (66 x 48 cm)
Link to  Portugal Galo de Barcelos PosterPortugal, 1969  Product
Portugal Galo de Barcelos Poster Product Link
Portugal, 1969
39 x 25 in (99 x 64 cm)
Link to  Accueillir... C'est Sourire! PosterFrance, c. 1960s  Product
Accueillir... C'est Sourire! Poster Product Link
France, c. 1960s
23 x 16 in (58 x 41 cm)
Link to  Mexico Pan American Poster ✓U.S.A, c. 1950  Product
Mexico Pan American Poster ✓ Product Link
U.S.A, c. 1950
42 x 28 in (107 x 71 cm)