500 Célébrités Poster

France, c. 1895

32 x 51 in (81 x 130 cm)

ID #39x55FOOD-DRINK-Z-13

Vintage French poster for Chocolats Felix Potin, advertising the 500 new celebrity cards of notables like Sadi-Carnot, Pausteur, Melba, Alphonse Daudeta, and Sarah Bernhardt that will now be included in their chocolates. 

Printer: P. Jouet, Paris

Year: c.1895

Condition: Good, please note creases

Poster is linen-backed on canvas

1895 1900 500-1000 advertisement Alphonse daudet antique poster Armand Silvestre Ayat candy celebrities chocolate Dalou famous food France Francisque Sarcey french french poster General Dragomiroff General Saussier Gounod Jacquelin large Marie-Christine Meissonier Melba Mizon Original original poster Pasteur Pausteur Sadi-Carnot Sarah Berhandt size-32x51 toc turn of the century vintage poster vintage posters yellow

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