Emprunt National 1920 Crédit Algérien Poster

France, 1920

47 x 31 in (119 x 79 cm)


"Emprunt National 1920 / A Toi, Patrie! Mére Glorieuse, Meurtrie et Tant Aimée, Le Travail, l'Economie, l'Epargne de Tous pour Restaurer tes Forces renouveler ta Puissance et Assurer la Paix du Monde. / Crédit Algérien 10, Place Vendôme"

A French post-war poster advertising nationwide loans. This poster features a depiction of a Roman goddess dressed for battle looking out at a crowd.

English translation: "To you, Fatherland! Glorious, Murdered and Much Beloved Mother, Work, Economy, Savings of All to Restore your Strength, renew your Power and Ensure the Peace of the World."

Artist: Jean Droit

Condition: Fair; please note the discoloration, water damage, and various imperfections.

Material: Linen backed on canvas

250-500 bank finance france french french revolution loan money post war poster size-47-x-31 turn of the century vintage poster world war i wwi

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