
France, c. 1900

55 x 58 in (140 x 147 cm)


"Royal-Eclair / Grand Vin Hygiènique de l'estomac / Aperitif Le Seul Électrisé Digestif / Dans Tous Les Cafés"

English translation: "Royal-Eclair / Great Wine Hygienic for the stomach / Aperitif The Only Electrified Digestive / In All Cafes"

Beautiful two sheet poster of a woman performing "gut health" stimulated by Royal-Eclair, a French aperitif.

Artist: H. Gray (Henri Boulanger)

Printer: Courmont Fréres - Paris

Condition: Fair; please note that the linen backing process has lightened but not completely eliminated the imperfections of the original paper.

Material: Linen backed on canvas

All sizes are approximate.

1000-2500 ad advertisement alcohol aperitivo beverage french poster horizontal poster liqueur liquor poster size-55-x-58 turn of the century vintage poster

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