Bains de Mer de Bretagne Poster ✓

France - c. 1895

31 x 41 in (79 x 104 cm)


Title: Sea Bathing of Brittany

Vintage French travel poster advertising the many seaside offerings in Brittany. A brilliant teal colors a near-cloudless sky and is reflected in the calm waters below it. At the forefront of the poster is a seamstress, gazing off to the side pensively. 

"Chemins de fer de l'ouest. Billets de bains de mer comportant jusqu'a 40% de reduction sur les prix du tarif ordinaire. Cartes d'excursions valables 33 jours et pouvant etre prolongees. Ces cartes permettent de circuler sur toutes les lignes desservant le littoral entre Granville et Brest." (Western Railways. Sea bathing tickets with up to 40% reduction on regular rate prices. Excursion cards valid for 33 days and can be extended. These cards allow you to travel on all lines serving the coast between Granville and Brest.)

Artist: H. Colb

Printer: B. Sirven, Toulouse, Paris

Year: c. 1895

Condition: Good, please note some discoloration along the border

Poster is linen-backed on canvas

19th century 500-1000 antique poster Bains bathhouse baths beach blue boats Brittany France French french poster getaway medium original poster railroad railway seaside size-31x41 spinning wheel tickets toc tourism travel turn of the century vintage poster water woman

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