Chantilly Poster

France, c. 1885

39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)

ID #39x55FOOD-DRINK-Z-24

Vintage French poster for the digestif liquor Chantilly. Wonderfully florid calligraphy decorates the poster. 

"Demandez partout La Chantilly. Liqueur digestive a base de tilleul. Inventee & fabriquee par J. Brochet & Lelogeais." (Ask everywhere for Chantilly. Digestive liqueur with a lime base. Invented and manufactured by J. Brochet & Lelogeais.)

Printer: V. Palyart, Paris

Year: c. 1885

Condition: Excellent

Poster is linen-backed on canvas

500-1000 advertisement alcohol antique poster chantilly digestif france french french advertisement french poster liquor original poster paris size-39x55 toc turn of the century vintage poste wine

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