L'Urbaine-Vie Life Insurance Poster #1

France, c. 1900s

45 x 29 in (114 x 74 cm)


"Assurez Vous une Vieillesse / Longue et Heureuse par une Rente Viagère Souscrite a L'Urbaine-Vie / Compagnie d'Assurances sur la Vie"

English translation: "Ensure a Long and Happy Old Age with a Life Annuity Subscribed to L'Urbaine-Vie / Life Insurance Company"

Printer: Affiche d'Extérieur

Condition: Good; please note light creasing along edges of poster.

Material: Linen backed on acid-free canvas

All sizes are approximate.

100-250 250-500 elder french poster knitting life annuity life insurance poster size-45-x-29 turn of the century vintage poster

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