Fetes Gavarni

France, 1902

37 x 50 in (94 x 127 cm)

ID #LB39x55-Z-17

Fetes Gavarni Sous la Presidence de M. J.L. Gerome Au Profit du Monument a Gavarni. Grand Ball Pare & Travesti le Costume est Obligatoire. 11 Avril 1902 au Moulin Rouge. S'adresser pour les Cartes d'Entree au Comite Gavarni (au Moulin Rouge)

Pare & Travesti Le Costume est Obligatoire Translation: Gavarni Festival under the presidency of Mr. J.L. Gerome to the benefit of Monument at Gavarni. Grand ball dressed in costume, costumes are required. 11 April, 1902. Contact the Gavarni Committee at the Moulin Rouge for entry cards.

Societe des Peintres Lithographes  Avelot,Bellery-Sesfontaine, Belon,Binet,Cadel,Emile Cohl, AbelFaivre, DeFeure,Forain,Gerbault, J.L.Gerome, Gorguet,Grasset, Grun Albert & Henri Guillaume, Leandre, Mirande, Louis Morin, Maurice Neumont, Robida,Georges Redon, Jules Roques, Scott, Truchet, Wildhopff a real whos who of the poster world at the turn. of the century


Artist: Gavarm

Year: 1902

Condition: Good, please note folds and minor discoloration along the left-hand side, as well as restoration done on the top right border. 

The poster is linen-backed on canvas

1000-2500 advertisement art black and white costume fashion festival france french moulin rouge original posters party red size-37x50 textCategory toc turn of the century vintage vintage posters

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