Grande Fête de Beinfaisance Poster

France - 1892

39 x 55 in (99 x 140 cm)

ID #LB39x55-Z-103

Societe des Fetes de l'Industrie et du Commerce Parisiens. Avec le concours de la presse et des artistes. Grande Fete de Bienfaisance. Soiree de Gala. Le Samedi 14 Mai 1892. Salons de l'Hotel de Ville. Comedie, Concert, Ballets. Bal avec Cotillons. Bataille de Fleurs. 

Translataion: Parisian Industry and Commerce Festival. With the support of the press and the artists. Great Charity Party. Gala Night. Sunday May 14, 1892. City Hall Salon. Comedy, Concert, Ballets. Ball with Dancing. Flower Battle.

Year: 1892

Condition: Good, please note creases

Linen-backed on canvas

1000-2500 1892 1900 ball ballet ballgown comedy concert expo fete France french gala gown large Original party red carpet size-39x55 soiree toc turn of the century vintage poster vintage posters woman

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