Le Camp Des Nations

France, 1900

40 x 55 in (102 x 140 cm)

ID #LB39x55-Z-141

Logements pour 1200 voyageurs par jour. 500 tentes particulieres impermeables &  confortablement meublees. Situation exceptionnelle, communications faciles. Cafe, restaurant et nombreux etablissements dans l'enceinte. 

Translation: The Camp of Nations. Accommodation for 1200 travelers per day. 500 private tents waterproof & comfortably furnished. Exceptional location, easy communications. Cafe, restaurant and many establishments on the premises.

Printer: Charlie Verneau, Paris

Year: 1900

Condition: Good, please note minor discoloration on the left-hand side of the poster

Linen-backed on canvas

1900 40 x 55 in / 101.6 x 139.6 cm 500-1000 accomodations blue brown camp designed for various nations Charles Verneau countries countries to come together exhibition exhibition politcal FR France french furnishings green medium nations Original 1900 politcal red size-40x55 tents toc turn of the century vintage poster white yellow

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