Le Rire, L'Homme du Devoir Poster

France, 1895

9 x 12 in (23 x 30 cm)


Title: The Laugh, The Man of Duty

Original vintage cover from Le Rire, a satirical French magazine. Le Rire was founded in the Belle Epoque by Felix Juven and ran from 1894-1971. It was the most successful humorous periodical of its time. This edition's cover shows a cartoon of a metaphorical man of duty weighing what responsibilities he has to complete. Underneath the cartoon is a caption, in which this man of duty decides he would rather celebrate a wedding than do his dirty laundry. A jab at the French government, most likely.

Artist: C. Leandre

Year: 1895

Condition: Very good

Please note this poster is linen-backed on canvas

magazine original poster periodical satire size-9x12 toc turn of the century vintage poster

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